Male son of iron man reader x marvel girls
Male son of iron man reader x marvel girls

male son of iron man reader x marvel girls

I’m not surprised to be frank with you, in our previous encounters I have failed immensely. “You must take me for quite the fool asking me something like that. Desperation and frustration reside in his broken speech. “Who told you?” He spat out, finally finding his voice and feeling his sight slowly fade in. How could he find out? A plethora of “what if” scenarios now haunt his mind. In fact, I’ve known for a little while now that it was Peter Parker under the mask the entire time.” Quentin’s voice steady as it smashes through the stomach of Peter, slicing through him with a burning sensation that builds outward. I removed it, but don’t worry old pal your secret’s safe with me. I see you’ve realized your mask is no longer there. There was no spandex to cover his face, meaning Mysterio can see his bare face which means Peter has to rely on hopes that he thinks it’s some random kid. His hands touched his face revealing something terribly wrong, he could feel his bare skin. Anxiety spikes as his eyes search the room but see only black. I must say Smythe, I’m impressed.” Mysterio said, his footsteps announcing himself in the room though Peter couldn’t yet see him. It’s quite new, in fact you were the first test subject. I wondered how long the effect would take to wear off.

male son of iron man reader x marvel girls

Our guest has awoken.” Quentin Beck said as Peter’s head bobs up and down before his eyes pop wide open, bouncing around the room like a crazed animal. “It seems you have a bit too much hope in yourself.” The voice says as it fades in his ears, his eyes grow heavier each millisecond before everything went to black. “I won’t fall for another one of your tricks Mysterio!” Spider-Man screamed, his breath betrays his words as the smoke fills his lungs and he falls to the center of the floor. “Oh I’ve never been better.” He replied, except this did not sound like Daredevil at all, and his tone filled with enough malice to tickle at Peter’s spine. “Daredevil? You alright.” He said into the field of thick, gray smoke. He jumps to the top of the dome to give himself space to dodge. Smoke begins to burst from the ground, his sight blind now. Following the glass all the way to the top he realizes the situation, he’s trapped. Landing on his two feet, body upright, his eyes settle on a curved piece of glass a few inches away from. I’m sure Mysterio has secret passages and spaces around the entire buildi-“ Peter’s words cut off as he just dodges a strike from above. The room smelled stale, and the air felt almost granulated into tiny specks like sand. Fingers tap away at the keyboard as his other hand shakes the mouse but the screen is still black. Peter moves through the lab checking each corner before he faces the computer’s black screen and dusty keyboard. All the way at the end of the table a computer that looks as if it hadn’t been touched in decades sits, cobwebs surround it. One long steel lab table with a clutter of beakers, test tubes and Erlenmeyer flasks with some sort of blue substance long since dried stuck to it. The building’s chipped paint and stained walls gave the impression that it was vacant. Almost moments later found his guess to be correct, like the speed of light Spider-Man enters the building and after him Murdock trails. If he had any sense of direction he could guess Peter is headed toward the edge of Harlem which was Mysterio’s old laboratory. Hard to track through the near blizzard storms of snow whipping by his nearly frozen ears, but still able to keep himself just behind the Spider as he shoots across the city. “To the place I sent him too.” He said, his assuredness earned a nod from Murdock and the two were off. “Where are you heading?” Daredevil asked, his hand grabs the shoulder of Spider-Man. Out of the window the snowfall had picked up immensely, Peter wondered how long Mysterio’s visions lasted. I have to check on Miles.” Peter said, running to the window. Look I know it was Mystrerio, but I can’t risk it. Realizing his mistake almost right as he said it Peter didn’t even let Daredevil speak before he but-in.

male son of iron man reader x marvel girls

“You didn’t see that? We have to go now!” He exclaims to an empty apartment besides Daredevil.

Male son of iron man reader x marvel girls