Realm royale hunter guide
Realm royale hunter guide

realm royale hunter guide

One of Hunter’s better abilities, allows you to back out and enter stealth.

  • Withdraw: Leap backwards and enter stealth.
  • (Legendary: lower cooldown, higher damage) Mostly used in early game situations, avoid for late game! You can place this in doorways or places where you expect enemies to be running towards.
  • Proximity Mine: A mine that explodes when enemies are near.
  • (Legendary: lower cooldown and larger radius). Good for scoping out areas or finding someone who is hiding in a building.
  • ğlare: Fire a flare that reveals enemies position.
  • (Legendary: lower cooldown higher damage)

    realm royale hunter guide

    You can bait out enemies by shooting at them and hitting them with the unexpected blast. Quick ability that can do a chunk of damage to multiple enemies in a small blast radius. ělast Shot: An explosive projectile that damages enemies in a small radius.Good for quickly moving forward or back, but isn’t great for getting positioning on enemies.Ĭan be also used while riding your horse and combined with withdraw to cover a lot more ground when leaping from high mountains, and making you avoid the fall and making you lose less time if ever you’re in a hurry (running from a storm or enemies) One of the weaker movement abilities in the game. ĝodge Roll: Quickly roll in the direction you are moving.Hunter is a great class if you like to move around quickly, kite your enemy and pop them with your powerful Longbow and feel like Legolas from Lord of the Rings. Neither of these are super exciting since you will likely just be using your Longbow and not switching or reloading often. Hunter gains 10% Swap Speed and Reload Speed as their passive.

    Realm royale hunter guide